In accordance with the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (Amendment) Act No 14 of 1996 it is mandatory for all persons practicing Architecture in Sri Lanka to register with the Architects Registration Board (ARB).

Architectural Licentiates is one of the Authorised Practising Architect categories registered in ARB, whose names are annually published in the government gazette notification of Sri Lanka which ensures the eligibility of professional Architectural Practice of Architectural Licentiates.

Association of Architectural Licentiates in Sri Lanka (AALSL) is a professional body comprising of truly Practising Architects scattered around the country, established back in the year 2005 with a group of Architectural Licentiates (less than five in number then) to protect & promote the professional practice of Architectural Licentiates in the field of Architecture.

Subsequently in year 2009, AALSL reunited, engaging actively on professional matters related to Architectural Licentiates attending meetings & reporting Authorities on various topics/issues & achieved a substantial progress in carrier development.

In year 2023, AALSL regenerated with ambitious visionary program in action. As a result of that, this year in 2024, we have managed to launch the AALSL website which is a milestone achievement of all Practicing Architects that would expand the opportunity of creating a platform to deliver their social service nationwide as well as across the oceans.

AALSL also welcomes all architectural students and all architectural graduates despite of their qualification. We simply value your interest in architecture, skill & ability in first place. We will help & guide you to become a professional in the field of Architecture.

Colombo Office
Since 2005
Association of Architectural Licentiates in Sri Lanka